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MI-Connection Changes Its Name To “Continuum”

by | Oct 2, 2017 | News

MI-Connection, the locally owned communication company that serves 17,000 residential and business customers in Davidson, Mooresville, and Cornelius, is changing its name to “Continuum.”

Marketing director, Ellen Baker, said the new name was selected following an 18-month study of customer needs and wants, and corporate strengths and marketplace value.

Continuum has operated in Davidson, Cornelius, and Mooresville since 2007 as MI-Connection. The name, brand identity, and marketing campaign resulting in the name change was directed by local business consultants, David and Kelly Sopp. “Continuum” was chosen as the new name to represent the company’s broad range of video, Internet and voice services.

The new marketing campaign and web site, (, which was created by, emphasize the fact that Continuum’s 62 employees are local citizens who treat customers like neighbors, rather than as account numbers. A new company tagline, “Local. Limitless,” is also being instituted to reinforce the concept.

For example, as part of the study, employees created a “Customer Happiness Guarantee,” which includes the promise that if appointment times are not met, customers will receive a $20 credit on their bill. Baker noted, “The name represents the fact that we provide a continuous link between work and play, news and entertainment, family and co-workers, local issues and world events. Never in our lives has connectivity been so important.”

CEO David Auger explained, “We’ve made fundamental changes that make this a very different company today. The new brand reflects our renewed commitment to excellence in serving our customers.”

Baker noted that the name change will not affect customers’ monthly bills, and will not require current MI-Connection customers to change their e-mail addresses. However, future customers will not automatically receive a email address. Instead, they will be directed to obtain e-mail services from providers such as gmail, yahoo, and aol.

Auger concluded, “Our research shows that people really do care about supporting a local company, and because we only serve Mooresville, Davidson, and Cornelius, customers can focus on us and not the rest of the country.”

Bill Giduz

Bill Giduz was the son who followed his father’s footsteps into journalism. He has been involved his entire life with news and photography in schools he attended and jobs he’s held. He believes now that he’s got a few good years left to devote to The News of Davidson.

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