Crowd Eyeballs Preliminary Plans for Local Road Improvements
A large crowd of area residents filed through Cornelius Town Hall Thursday evening, reviewing plans for improvements to local roads and intersections proposed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Representatives from the firm of Kimley-Horn, who are serving as project managers, were also on hand to explain the plans.
One project, designated U-5907, proposes work just south the railroad underpass at the intersection of Highway 115 (Main Street), Davidson Street and Potts Street. One of the proposed solutions to improve traffic flow there was construction of a roundabout. Another solution proposed realignment of Potts Street and installation of two traffic lights.
Three other proposals, designated U-5873, suggested three possible routes to connect Potts Street and Sloan Street to a new Griffith Street roundabout. A 10-foot wide asphalt multiuse trail would be constructed beside Potts and Sloan for the entire length of the project.
Elected officials in Cornelius and Davidson have long recognized the need for improvement of traffic flow in these areas, but the cost prevented active planning. The initiatives are made possible now through “bonus allocation” of funds to each town as part of the I-77 managed lane project. Davidson received $2.2 million and Cornelius received $6.1 million.
The proposed plans were criticized by some viewers, and they engaged representatives from Kimley-Horn and NCDOT about their concerns. Attendees were encouraged to submit written comments about the two projects on the spot, and were assured their comments will be taken into consideration as the project develops. Those who did not attend can review the plans online and submit their comments by October 19. Visit this URL, and type in U-5873 or U-5907 in the search bar:
Final designs on both projects will be created with further input from planners and commissioners from both towns. An environmental impact document will be completed in spring 2018, right-of-way acquisition could begin in spring 2018, and construction could begin in winter 2019-2020.
Bill Giduz
Bill Giduz was the son who followed his father’s footsteps into journalism. He has been involved his entire life with news and photography in schools he attended and jobs he’s held. He believes now that he’s got a few good years left to devote to The News of Davidson.