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Owner of Sadler Square in Negotiations for New Grocery Store

by | Nov 4, 2017 | Bottom Left Box, News

Sadler Square awaits a new grocery store to take over the Healthy Home Market space.

The closing of Healthy Home Market has left a big space to fill in Sadler Square, an important commercial center in Davidson. The owner of the shopping center is Concord native, Audy Dover, and he is happy to report that several viable grocery stores are interested in taking that space.

“Our philosophy in managing the center is that our tenants must add to the quality of life in Davidson. We are seeking a small, locally-owned, non-chain grocery store that will serve people who are looking for sustainably produced food. Our customer base deserves to know that they can trust the grocer to provide high standards in food that is carefully grown and manufactured.”

Mr. Dover hopes that a grocer will work with local farmers to carry their produce throughout the year, in a farmer’s-market model. “As the landlord, I cannot dictate to the grocer how he manages his business, but I can suggest things that I know will work in Davidson. I also hope that the store will have a full-time butcher on site to provide customers with special cuts of meats. This will help distinguish them from chain supermarkets.”

Mr. Dover also hopes to work with the grocer to up-fit an area of the store to sublease to an artisan bakery. “I plan to make interior improvements to the space for the new tenant. While we have undergone a renovation that has made the space beautiful, there are other things I would like to do to make it function even better.”

Mr. Dover believes that he will be able to announce the name of the new grocery store before year’s end. “I understand that our Davidson customers are anxious to have a grocery store in that spot, and I am committed to bringing in the best possible grocer for the town. All of our other tenants provide great services for the community, and this new grocer will have to meet those same exacting standards.”

Marguerite Williams

Marguerite (Margo) Williams is a novelist ("Madame President"), editor, and business owner of A Way With Words. A 16-year member of the Davidson Town Board, she has lived in Davidson since 1977. Visit her at her website.

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