Bill Giduz Named 2017 Jack Burney Award Recipient

Bill Giduz, the 2017 Jack Burney award recipient, poses by the plaque that recognizes these community award winners.
A standing room only crowd filled the Town Hall board room for the G. Jackson Burney Community Service Award ceremony on Wednesday, November 22. The ceremony honored long-time Davidson resident and selfless servant, Bill Giduz.
The award is named for G. Jackson Burney, who served the town in many capacities, primarily in planning and communications. Since 2004, it has honored Burney and those whose unselfish service benefits the Davidson community.

Dr. Sam Maloney, professor emeritus, provided a wonderful overview of the life of G. Jackson “Jack” Burney, the man who’s name is on the annual award for community service in Davidson.
Mayor John Woods welcomed the crowd and introduced Dr. Sam Maloney to provide a special remembrance of the award’s namesake Jack Burney. Maloney painted a picture of his colleague and even highlighted the special group of Burney’s friends who created this award in his honor. The group of Davidson residents called themselves the WIMPS – an acronym for “We’re Intent on Making Progress Slowly.”
Connie Wessner provided an overview of the award and also gave details about the one-of-a-kind trophy created by the 8th grade students at the Community School of Davidson. The students are given information about the nominees, and charged with the task of best representing the selfless acts of service of the individual. Their work this year was nothing short of amazing.

Connie Wessner describes the hand-made trophy presented to Bill Giduz, the 2017 Jack Burney Award recipient.
Margo Williams read a 12-part citation – utilizing Bill’s favorite number 12 as the foundation for the narrative. The following is the closing summation of the citation: “You embody the values we saw and loved in Jack. You carry on his work to create the kind of community where family and friendship and good works are a given and daily part of our lives.”
Giduz was joined by members of his family, former Burney award recipients, and a multitude of friends who came to honor his selfless service to the town.
Previous award winners include Bernice Houston, William B. Mayhew, Baxter and John Fisher, Evelyn Carr, Annie Mildred Lowery, Scotty Nichols, John and Paula Kelton, Jane B. Ellithorpe, Ralph Quackenbush, Leland Park, Jean Jackson, Sterling Martin, Pam Maier, Connie and Eddie Beach, Leamon Brice, and Garfield Carr.

The first G. Jackson “Jack” Burney Award recipient Bernice Houston standing alongside the 2017 recipient of the award Bill Giduz.
The video of the ceremony can be viewed on the NewsofDavidson Facebook page.