News of Davidson’s Distinguished Davidsonians
News of Davidson is extremely proud of our Distinguished Davidsonian’s page. What we recently realized is that our email notification process hasn’t been notifying our email subscribers when we updated that page. We are fixing that, but in light of the previous gap we want to encourage you to take some time to check out the Distinguished Davidsonians page:
Our Distinguished Davidsonians include: Rosie Molinary, Judy Brown, Emma Husk, Nate Bredeweg, Michele Crowell, Arvind Patil, Karen Toney, Tom Cotter, Ian Wessner, Sam Mishler, Garfield Carr, Jan Blodgett, Mariana Hollman, Herb Jackson, Vernon Siders, Tom Norwood, Eddie & Connie Beach, Libby Johnston, Schuhs and dogs, and Diane Means.
If you don’t already know these neighbors, it is our hope that our features will provide insight into these terrific folks.
We are also interested in whom you think we should feature as an upcoming Distinguished Davidsonian. Please email us at [email protected]