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The Lake Norman Big Band 2018 JAZZ CELEBRATION

by | Feb 9, 2018 | Arts & Entertainment


Bobby Shew, jazz trumpeter, is this year’s featured performer at The Lake Norman Big Band 2018 Jazz Celebration concert.


The Lake Norman Big Band (TLNBB) announces the 2018 Jazz Celebration concert to be held 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 17 in the sanctuary of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church at 454 Fieldstone Road in Mooresville. This year’s featured guest artist is Bobby Shew. The concert will feature selections from Shew’s extensive repertoire and music from the TLNBB library. Admission to the concert is free. Donations are welcome.

 Born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bobby Shew began his professional career in a local dance band at age 12. After playing as jazz soloist in the Army NORAD Band in Colorado Springs, he moved to New York City and joined the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra. Afterwards, he played with many top tier big bands, including Woody Herman, Buddy Rich, Maynard Ferguson, Si Zentner, and Benny Goodman. After playing with top show bands in Las Vegas for seven years, he moved to Los Angeles in 1972, became a first-call studio musician, and continued to play with many big bands. He has numerous Grammy nominations and has played on many TV shows and movie soundtracks, including “Hawaii 5-O,” “Bob Newhart,” “Mary Tyler Moore,” “Grease” I and II, and “Rocky” I and II. Shew is a Yamaha Performing Artist and has collaborated in creating trumpets, fluegelhorns, and mouthpieces sold under the Yamaha brand.

The Lake Norman Big Band, a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable musical arts organization, is the premier big band in the greater Lake Norman area. Since its formation in 1998, the band has performed for numerous Charlotte and Lake Norman area events. The Lake Norman Big Band’s musical home is the Finish Line Restaurant in George Pappas’ Victory Lanes. Dinner jazz shows are held on the third Monday of each month from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Visit the band’s website for more information, or email Richard Spangler, the President of TLNBB at [email protected].

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