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Courting a Davidson Lady, Part 2

by | Mar 2, 2018 | Davidson History, Top Left Box

One of William’s letters typed on newspaper letterhead.

(These letters are part of the Louise Withers Sloan Papers in the Davidson College Archives.)

A year later, two years later, William is still sending his news and love via letters. The letters continue another few years, but we’ll conclude with his last one in 1921. Though Louise refused him, he did find another love and married. He left newspaper reporting for work in the North Carolina governor’s office. Louise Sloan never married – but attended many weddings in Davidson.

10 October 1915 Raleigh – Davidson


I wonder what you have been doing this beautiful day? I went to church this morning, worked a part of the afternoon and went to church again tonight. I have been getting up material for Monday’s paper on the courthouse opening. I went down today and got a copy of Mr. Daniels’ address. I got a letter from him and went on up the street and saw one of those N&O boys who said Mr. Daniels had already arrived so I went down to the Observer office and saw him. I also saw “Mrs. Joe,” What do you think about Woodrow getting married so soon after his wife’s death.

Sweetheart, are you a whole lot better? I hope you are. Write me again real soon. Will you?

Wish you could be here for the Fair. I am one of the Marshals. Bob Everett of Durham appointed me. If you were here we would go to the Marshal’s hall together. It will be in the auditorium a week from Friday night.

I want to go see you before long and I intend to. Do you want me too?

You darling girl – I love you! And I miss you a whole lot too. Write me soon as you can. You are my little girl, aren’t you? You’re the best little girl that ever lived.

Yours always,


My dearest Louise:
Did you get my letter of two weeks ago? I have been inclined to think you did not, for I believe you would have answered it. However, you might not have wanted to answer it but my heart has been yearning for word from you.

I thought about going to Charlotte on the night of May 19, for the exercises of the 20th, with Adjutant General Young of the National Guard. If I did that, I would like to go to Davidson on the night of the 20th and stay until Sunday noon. Would you want to see me? I am lonely –I am lonely for you—


18 June 1921

Dear Girl:

Your letter came this morning and I am glad you accede to my request about whatever little gifts you received from me in the sweet yesterday of your lives. They were all tokens of a pure, sincere affection, so let me be book marks in the volume that was not sealed with misunderstanding but by the unseen hand of God’s preordained plan for our lives. God rules; all is well. Be cheerful; be happy; look to Him always and pray that I may be led to do so, also.

In a spirit of tenderness and reverence of you, I am — William

Jan Blodgett

Jan Blodgett moved to Davidson in 1994. In 2017, she retired after 23 years as the Davidson College Archivist. Jan and former Davidson College history professor, Ralph Levering, are the co-authors of "One Town, Many Voices: A history of Davidson, North Carolina."

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Courting a Davidson Lady, Part 2

by | Mar 2, 2018

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