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Davidson College Invites Community Members to Experience the Alenda Lux: Symposium

by | May 4, 2018 | News, Stories from Davidson College

On May 9, Davidson College invites the community to experience the Alenda Lux: Symposium, a campus-wide celebration of undergraduate research, community projects, and creative works through poster sessions, digital media, art, and performance. The college plans to make it an annual tradition for town and school.

The name of the symposium is based on the motto of Davidson College, Alenda Lux Ubi Orta Libertas, which means “Let Learning Be Cherished Where Liberty Has Arisen,” reflecting Davidson’s roots in early American history.

All classes will be cancelled on the day of the symposium, so the campus will be buzzing with activity, celebrating student accomplishments. The day’s schedule, which runs from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and includes a community lunch, can be seen at the Alenda Lux website.

This is a rare opportunity for community members to be on campus for a little peek at what is happening with the talented and committed students who share Davidson for four years.


Marguerite Williams

Marguerite (Margo) Williams is a novelist ("Madame President"), editor, and business owner of A Way With Words. A 16-year member of the Davidson Town Board (1995-2011), she has lived in Davidson since 1977. Visit her at her website.

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