“Unforgotten: The Unsolved Murder of Matt Stewart”
“Unforgotten: The Unsolved Murder of Matt Stewart” is an independently produced podcast series that takes a detailed look at the unsolved homicide of Matthew Ryan Stewart. Steward, a 31 year old father of three, was killed inside his Mooresville, North Carolina home in the early hours of June 9, 2009. “Unforgotten” aims to catapult the bizarre case back into the public spotlight, in hopes of generating additional information for the investigation.
The first of the five-part series was released on June 9 and will be available to stream on the podcast website, as well as all major podcast distributors.
The series will explore the strange facts of this case, with each episode featuring exclusive interviews from friends and family of the victim, as well as commentary from members of the media, local residents, and experts.
For more information, contact Freddie Wilson at (980) 389-0885 or by email at [email protected].