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New Park Installations in Town of Davidson

by | Jul 26, 2018 | News, Top Right Box, Town Information

New playground feature planned for the Mary Beaty Tot Lot behind Summit Coffee

The Town of Davidson will install a new play feature in the the Mary Beaty Tot Lot behind Summit Coffee. The current play area will be closed, starting August 8, with the installation scheduled to begin August 15. Installation should take about a week to complete. Cristina Shaul, Public Information Officer for the town said, “It will be wonderful to have a vibrant, new, safe feature on which children can play!”

Kathryn Spatz, Park and Recreation Director, further explained, “There will also be a cantilever shade over it so we won’t have to worry about the surface being too hot for the little ones.”

In further park news, the Davidson Town Board, at their February 27, 2018 meeting, voted to allocate $393,000 in park reserve funds and $131,000 from the fund balance to construct Phase 1 of the new park located along Robert Walker Drive and Bradford Park Drive, adjacent to the Bailey Springs neighborhood. This phase will include a basketball court, two tennis courts, and a playground. The contracts will be finalized mid-March and construction will be complete early this summer.

The concept plan and financial details are onlineĀ here.

Marguerite Williams

Marguerite (Margo) Williams is a novelist ("Madame President"), editor, and business owner of A Way With Words. A 16-year member of the Davidson Town Board (1995-2011), she has lived in Davidson since 1977. Visit her at her website.

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