Town Facilities Survey

The former Davidson Elementary / IB School
DAVIDSON, N.C. – The Town of Davidson has posted a new question on Open Town Hall, an online platform designed to engage citizens in a conversation and harness their input on important town projects and issues.
This new topic on Open Town Hall asks: “What public facilities project option do you prefer? The Davidson Board of Commissioners will use this public input to help guide their decision-making process at the August 7 meeting.
Citizens can access this Open Town Hall question by going to or by clicking the green “Open Town Hall” icon in the center right of the town homepage at Once on the Open Town Hall page, citizens can read what others are saying about the topic and share their opinions. Residents can join the discussion by logging in with an email address. After receiving an activation email from Open Gov (formerly Peak Democracy), citizens can choose whether to give their feedback anonymously or with their full names posted.
Open Gov, a company based in California, developed the online platform. Its mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. More than 100 other government agencies in the U.S., Canada, and Australia are using Open Town Hall, including Pinehurst, NC, Decatur, GA, Ann Arbor, MI, Palo Alto, CA, Saint Paul, MN, and Salt Lake City, UT. For more information about the company, visit