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Town of Davidson to Celebrate Arbor Day, Friday, March 22

by | Mar 7, 2019 | News, Town Information

Please join us to celebrate Arbor Day on Friday, March 22, the same day it will be celebrated throughout North Carolina. Arbor Day is designated to encourage individuals and groups to plant and care for trees. Citizens are invited to a brief ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, March 22 at Roosevelt Wilson Park, located at 420 Griffith Street. 

The Town of Davidson earned recognition as a 2018 Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation. This is the ninth year Davidson has been recognized as a Tree City. Community volunteers, the town’s Livability Advisory Board, TreesDavidson, and town staff all made contributions toward this achievement.

“Tree City USA communities see the impact an urban forest has in a community first hand,” said Dan Lambe, President of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Additionally, recognition brings residents together and creates a sense of community pride, whether it’s through volunteer engagement or public education.”


TreesDavidson is an all-volunteer organization that is affiliated with the Davidson Lands Conservancy. Its mission is to grow and preserve the local tree canopy. TreesDavidson Executive Director Gordon Clark will be on hand at the conclusion of the Arbor Day ceremony to answer your questions about how to grow a healthy tree. In an effort to promote the use of native trees and plants in home landscapes, a limited quantity of tree seedlings will be passed out to participants at the Arbor Day ceremony.

Most recently, TreesDavidson has worked closely with the town to qualify for a NC Urban Forest Council Tree Legacy Grant that funded over 65 trees to be planted by community volunteers at the grand opening ceremony of Plum Creek Park. TreesDavidson relies on volunteers to help plant the trees, and in the past they have partnered with Cub Scout Pack 58, iQmetrix, Mount Mourne I.B. Middle school, a Leadership Lake Norman class from the Chamber of Commerce, along with various other neighborhood groups.

If you have a group that would be interested in participating in a tree planting event, you can contact the Davidson Lands Conservancy at [email protected]

For more information about the Arbor Day Ceremony or Tree City USA program, contact Charlene Minor at [email protected] or call the Davidson Parks and Recreation Department at 704-892-3349.

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