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Lingle Hut Restoration – Buy A Brick

by | May 7, 2019 | Bottom Left Box, News

A lot of progress has been made on the Lingle Hut restoration project. Members of Reeves Temple AME Zion church highlighted that soil testing on the site has been completed, a contractor has been hired, and they have engineering drawings ready to begin foundation work.

Thus far, fundraising efforts have resulted in more than $25,000 in donations. Organizers believe that they are about $8K away from breaking ground. 

And while the recent fish fry was a success, there is a new and more lasting way members of the Davidson community can help restore historic Lingle Hut. You can order an engraved brick. Here is the link to order the brick(s)

We also have this in hard copy form, if you would like to complete it and send it with a check payment. For additional information regarding the engraved brick campaign please contact Tiffany McCain at [email protected] or call 704-677-0489 .

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