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Davidson Lands Conservancy Launches New Website

by | Jul 30, 2019 | Davidson Lands Conservancy, News

Davidson Lands Conservancy sign at the Runneymede Woods property. (Bill Giduz photo)

Davidson Lands Conservancy is excited to announce the launch of their newly redesigned website at  The website was built in collaboration with Davidson College and students enrolled in Dr. Owen Mundy’s Critical Web Design class. The site was over a year in the making with the focus centering on providing a useful and informative avenue to share the mission of the Davidson Lands Conservancy and the work that they do in the Davidson area. 
Conservation efforts and technology have changed greatly since DLC was formed in the year 2000 and the website collaboration was at the center of DLC’s efforts to make their work and information more accessible and user friendly for citizens of the area interested in conservation.  “The Davidson Lands Conservancy has been a valuable tool in conservation and education for Davidson since 2000,” said Executive Director Autumn Rierson Michael.  “But we realized that with the growth of our organization, we had to enhance our public education and information resources.  Davidson College has long been a wonderful partner to the DLC so when we approached them about redesigning our website, they welcomed the opportunity to engage their students with the DLC.  It was a huge undertaking and the students not only provided the technical knowledge, but also helped us think about how we present the many opportunities at DLC in the most user friendly and engaging manner.  It’s been a wonderful experience and we are super proud of the result.”
The website will provide an avenue for continued fundraising, education and volunteer information and allow the Davidson Lands Conservancy to better serve the citizens and conservation efforts in Davidson. Come check it out!

Davidson Lands Conservancy

Davidson Lands Conservancy (DLC) is a non-profit with the mission to conserve local lands and natural resources, connect lives to nature, and promote a conservation ethic.  DLC advances its mission through education and through four programs: land conservation; greenways; urban forestry; and wildlife habitat. Growth pressures on Davidson are staggering and while economic development benefits our community, balancing growth with conserved lands and trees is critical to our quality of life and to keeping Davidson special, attractive, and healthy.

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