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How Does Our Garden Grow?

by | Aug 8, 2019 | Davidson Lands Conservancy

Eddie and Connie Beach established Community Garden in 2010. The produce they grow is donated to the Loaves and Fishes food pantry at the Ada Jenkins Center. (Bill Giduz photo)



A nature discovery program for children with their families 

(Co-sponsored by Davidson Lands Conservancy and Woodland Discovery)

Saturday, September 7; 1pm to 2:30pm, in Davidson

Why do flowers help a vegetable garden? And where do particular vegetables love to grow best? Join WOW at a community garden in the heart of Davidson. Eddie Beach, coordinator of Davidson United Methodist Church’s garden (and accomplished gardener himself!), will be on hand to show our WOW families how best to nurture a garden and grow the best vegetables. We’ll be separated into small groups so that we can see up-close how to create a beautiful garden. Bring some of your own compost materials, help plant some vegetables, then take home a seedling for your own garden.

This outing is for children with their families. The minimum age is 4 years old. Wear closed-toe shoes or boots that don’t mind getting muddy.  Please, no dogs or strollers. 

Pre-registration is required.To begin the registration process, please send an email to [email protected] with the names of all the participants (parents and children), ages of the children, any allergies and a cellphone number.

Be sure you get a confirmation of registration email that includes medical and photo waiver instructions. Registration is not available on the Davidson Lands Conservancy website. Be sure that you receive an email confirming your registration.

PLEASE NOTE: Registration closes at 5pm, Friday, September 6.

 If you’d like to know more about WOW’s free nature programs, or you’d be interested in leading a nature outing, email [email protected]

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