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Pack Your Bookbag for DavidsonLearns!

by | Aug 26, 2019 | Arts & Entertainment, DavidsonLearns, News, Top Left Box

Classes are filling up for the DavidsonLearns fall semester, but there’s time to grab a seat in great courses that still have openings. Click here for full details and registration information.

Beginning in September: Courses with open seats

Classical Chinese Poetry
Travel back in time for a glimpse at early Chinese culture as expressed through poetry, with Dr. Gill Holland, a professor, poet, and translator who has traveled, studied, and taught in China.

Basic Economic Thinking: How Freakonomics Will Change the Way You View the World
Why is a new car suddenly worth so much less the moment it leaves the new car lot? Why is conventional wisdom often not so wise? Economics professor Ted Amato may help redefine the way that you view the modern world. No background in economics required.

Exploring Don Quijote, by Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quijote is considered the first and the greatest European novel. Guided by Dr. Deborah Nelson, you can explore Cervantes’ insights into life, love, psychology, and 16th-century Spain that lie behind his protagonist’s wild adventures.

Rynne Lectures in International Affairs
How are global hot spots shaping future policies about national security and diplomacy? You’ll get the story on Britain and the EU, US and the Middle East, recent trends in South America, rise of populism in Germany, and Russian foreign policy.

Beginning in October: Courses with open seats

Birds and Bees: The Evolutionary Ecology of Animal Reproduction
Be fruitful and multiply—but how? Behavioral ecologist Dr. Mark Stanback discusses the evolution of sexual reproduction and sex roles, male-male competition, female choice, sexual conflict, and mating systems across the animal kingdom.

American Indians and Politics
Why have American Indian nations/tribes sought for so long to protect their sovereignty? Led by Dr. Ron Schmidt, explore the political relationships between American Indian nations/tribes and US governments in both the past and present.

Community Engagement & Social Change
Dr. Stacey Riemer will help you learn how to work more effectively with communities and organizations to bring about social change.

Contemporary Issues in Healthcare
Is medical care a right or a privilege? Why is health care so expensive in the United States? What will the future of medicine look like in the US? Dr. Peter Enyeart and guest speakers will help illuminate the issues, problems — and possible solutions.

Intermediate/Advanced Genealogy Workshop
Calling all genealogists! Dr. Marilyn Rousseau leads you into some serious digging into your family history, furthering your original research, breaking down “brick walls,” and determining your next steps.

Race and Racism in American History
Is there a key to understanding anti-black racism in America? Along with Dr. Mike Guasco with Dr. Dan Aldridge, explore the manifestations of racist thinking from 1619 to the present, using Ibram X. Kendi’s National Book Award-winning “Stamped from the Beginning” as our guide.

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