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**Please Read** Important Advisory about Roosevelt Wilson Pond from the Town

by | Aug 31, 2019 | News, Top Right Box

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services conducted a blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) screening assessment at Roosevelt Wilson Park and identified that a blue-green algae bloom is occurring.

A total of 31 ponds in Mecklenburg County, which are publicly owned and/or managed and which are routinely accessed by the public, have been screened by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services for the presence of active blue-green algae blooms.  Eight (8) or 26% of these ponds tested positive. For the full results and press release of the findings across the county, please click here.

The Town of Davidson posted signs on site at Roosevelt Wilson Park earlier this week to ask people to keep out of the water. Until remediation is complete, please do not allow people or pets in the pond, and please refrain from fishing on site, as well.

We have also posted signs at the ponds at Parham Park and Beaty Park; these ponds have not been tested, but we want to encourage citizens to exercise caution regardless. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services staff has advised that algae blooms do not occur in large bodies of water, such as Lake Davidson and Lake Cornelius.

We appreciate your patience and your help in sharing this information widely to protect everyone in our community.

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