Native Pollinator Garden at Community School of Davidson
Community School of Davidson established a native pollinator garden Fall of 2018 near the front entrance to the school. Parent Christy Larson, landscape designer at Dearness Gardens in Huntersville, provided the landscape plan for the site and Dearness provided the plants at a nice discount!
Seventh grade students helped weed, plant, and mulch the area. Student and parent volunteers maintained the garden over the summer through watering and weeding. This fall brought a garden teaming with life! At last count (yesterday) 46 monarch caterpillars had been counted!
We have had numerous native pollinators including carpenter bees, honey bees, bumble bees, blue mud wasps, sweat bees, mining bees, and numerous butterflies, including: fritillaries, monarchs, skippers, painted ladies, buckeyes, eastern tiger swallowtails and much more. This pollinator garden provides much needed habitat in a sea of development in Davidson.
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