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The Strong America Tour Is Coming to Davidson

by | Sep 20, 2019 | News, Town Information

Davidson Town Hall


Davidson, NC (September 2019) — On October 5, Charles L. “Chuck” Marohn Jr., founder of Strong Towns, will be coming to Davidson, NC as part of his coast-to-coast Strong America Tour. He will be speaking at Davidson Town Hall (216 South Main St. Davidson NC) at 2:00pm. The event is free and open to the public. Free Whit’s Frozen Custard will be available for the first 100 guests.

Marohn’s tour kicks off the release of his new book, Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity (Wiley, October 2019, ISBN: 978-1-119-56481-2, $25.00). He is traveling to dozens of communities across North America—big cities and small towns alike—to share the ideas in his book and give audiences a new way to think about how they approach revitalization and growth.

The presentation will begin by showcasing why so many towns in North America are struggling financially despite decades of robust growth. Marohn will then invite the audience to “choose their own adventure” from a range of presentation tracks and go deeper into just one area where their unique community can make a change today. Designed to be dynamic and bespoke to each town, the Strong America presentation is part community conversation, part lecture from an expert, and the catalyst you need for your place to become financially stronger.

Here are just a few of the insights from Marohn’s book, some of which may be featured in the October 5 presentation:

  • Why our cities are on the cusp of a long, slow decline, and how to approach the necessary triage in a rational way
  • Why inducing growth and development has been the conventional response to urban financial struggles—and why it just doesn’t work
  • Why old and blighted areas are often more financially productive than shiny new ones
  • The power of “little bets” to strengthen communities and improve the lives of citizens
  • How humble public engagement can create amazing insights
  • The surprising ways that strong neighborhoods make us better people

In every stop on the tour, a Strong Towns staff member will write an essay about the stories they find there. Then, Marohn will put the essays together in a new e-book that paints a portrait of what a Strong America looks like today. It will include photos, profiles of local advocates doing what they can to make their own towns stronger, tour diary updates from the road, and great writing from Strong Towns advocates from across the country.

Davidson will also be featured in other Strong Towns content and on Strong Towns social media feeds, which reach an international audience of millions of readers annually.

Marohn says he was thrilled by the hundreds of requests for proposals to host Strong America Tour stops.

“It’s clear that cities and towns of every size are hungry for a new approach that can help them grow financially strong and resilient,” he says. “Every time I visit a different town, I am gratified to see how passionate and smart and creative people can be. Meeting people, hearing their stories, and exchanging ideas is my favorite part of the job.”

To see some of the other towns that are on the Strong America Tour, visit


About the Author: Charles L. “Chuck” Marohn Jr., is the founder and president of Strong Towns and the author of Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity. He is a professional engineer (PE) licensed in the state of Minnesota and a land use planner with two decades of experience. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master’s of urban and regional planning, both from the University of Minnesota. Marohn hosts the Strong Towns Podcast and has presented Strong Towns concepts in hundreds of cities and towns across North America. He is featured in the documentary film Owned: A Tale of Two Americas, and was named one of the Ten Most Influential Urbanists of all time by Planetizen.

About Strong Towns: Strong Towns is a national media organization whose mission is to advocate for a model of development that allows America’s cities, towns, and neighborhoods to grow financially strong and resilient. Strong Towns began in 2008 as a blog written by Charles Marohn. Today, it is a nonprofit publishing daily content by dozens of contributors, sharing weekly podcasts, and giving presentations around the U.S. and Canada. Strong Towns reaches an audience of more than 1.5 million readers per year and has over 2,900 members. Learn more at


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