Celebration of New Greenway Section Connecting Cornelius and Davidson

Davidson and Cornelius parks departments on Saturday dedicated the opening of a section of greenway that links the two towns. (Bill Giduz photo)
[Check out our News of Davidson photos & video from this event]
It was big celebration for a short stretch of trail. An enthusiastic crowd of citizens and public officials showed up for the dedication of a vital stretch of the “Emerald Necklace” greenway in Cornelius on Saturday morning.
Construction of the .6 mile section of greenway dragged on for months due to wet weather and the challenges of engineering the trail around natural obstacles. But the crowd universally hailed the achievement. The beautiful, gentle greenway curls down Zion Street in Cornelius through columns of trees on both sides, all the way to the Parks and Recreation building at the bottom of South Street in Davidson. It passes under the Antiquity covered bridge, around two ponds, and is supported at its uphill end with “skyway” of concrete pylons.
The $1.56 million cost of the project was borne primarily with funds from the State of North Carolina. It helps complete the 13 mile “Emerald Necklace” of greenways that will encircle the Town of Cornelius when completed. It joins Davidson’s greenway system, and will also become a section of an even larger greenway project—the 1,600 mile Carolina Thread Trail.

The greenway extends from the Antiquity neighborhood in Cornelius to the Davidson Park and Rec office, near the Davidson K-8 School. (Bill Giduz photo)
Bill Giduz
Bill Giduz was the son who followed his father’s footsteps into journalism. He has been involved his entire life with news and photography in schools he attended and jobs he’s held. He believes now that he’s got a few good years left to devote to The News of Davidson.