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Rotary Club of Davidson Seeking Sponsors for 2019 Giving Tree Village

by | Oct 6, 2019 | News

The trees in the Rotary Club of Davidson’s Giving Village glow on a mild winter’s evening. This wonderful fundraiser for local nonprofit organizations in a favorite attraction for young and old visitors alike. [photo from 2018]


The Rotary Club of Davidson is preparing for our annual Giving Tree Village at Christmas in Davidson. Last year the Giving Tree Village was viewed by thousands of patrons & we sold 15,995 tickets for votes which helped raise $30,000 for 60 non-profit organizations. The Town of Davidson said it is one of the highest rated offerings at Christmas in Davidson.

Madeline Wood of the Pines decorated a Rotary Club Christmas tree on the Village Green with sponsorship from Woodie’s Auto Service, and hopes to raise money for the National Leiomyosarcoma Foundation. (Bill Giduz photo 2018)

In a nutshell, local businesses sponsor a Giving Tree to benefit the non-profit of their choice. We must order the trees in the next few weeks so this is crunch time!!

We are also looking for business sponsors of the Giving Tree Village and have many levels of sponsorship.

Please include this link, for Giving Tree Applications and Business Sponsors:

Rotary Club of Davidson – Giving Tree Village  

The site has detailed information about both Village and Tree sponsorships. Tree sponsorships can be completed and paid for online.

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