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Register for Civics 101 to Learn More about Local Government

by | Nov 13, 2019 | News

Davidson Town Hall


DAVIDSON, NC — Are you interested in learning more about the operations of our town government? Register for Civics 101. This free program is open to people who live or work in Davidson (within town limits or within the extra-territorial jurisdiction) and who are 18 and older. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss departmental functions and operations with town department heads, tour the fire and police departments, learn about town history, and take part in a question-and-answer session with the mayor and board of commissioners. 

Our core values state that “open communication is essential to an engaged citizenry” and that the “social and intellectual well-being of Davidson citizens is fundamental to our community, so town government will provide…lifelong learning opportunities.” Our popular Civics 101 course reflects both of these values.

“This course gives us the opportunity to interact closely with our residents,” said Town Manager Jamie Justice.  “We want people to know who we are and what we do.  We also want our residents to give us input and take a more active role in their neighborhoods and our town.”

Classes will be held at town hall. They begin Thursday, February 6, 2020 and continue for ten weeks. Participants can sign up for the day sessions from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. or the evening sessions from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Classes also include a Saturday bus tour and recognition at the April 28, 2020 Davidson Board of Commissioners meeting. Applications will be accepted from now until December 31 and are available at and town hall.

“The presentations given by Civics 101 instructors were every bit as good as I experienced during my career at ExxonMobil. I highly recommend this course!” said 2019 graduate Harry Costner.

Applicants should not expect ten weeks of lectures, but rather engaging classes with active discussion.  Acceptance into the program is on a first-come, first-served basis, and only 25 applicants will be able to participate in each session. Participants must commit to attending all ten classes.

New Davidson residents Ted and Judy Stauffer said, “After we took Civics 101, we knew with absolute certainty that our decision to move to Davidson was right!  We learned so much from the dedicated and professional staff about the town’s daily operations and what it takes to make Davidson a great place to live.  Thank you for a most informative and positive look into the operations of our town.”

To see a full schedule of this year’s classes, visit

For more information about the program, contact Amanda Preston at 704-940-9602

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