Asbestos Located at Roosevelt Wilson Park: Town Closes Necessary Areas

Roosevelt Wilson Park
The Town of Davidson recently performed an Environmental Assessment for Roosevelt Wilson Park as part of a planned park improvement project. Recent sampling determined that asbestos levels were present in specific areas.
The town has provided the sampling data to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and we are following their recommendation to restrict access at the park by installing construction fencing to prevent disturbance of soil in areas where asbestos was detected. Signage is posted at the designated areas to inform residents and town visitors of the situation. All other areas of the park, including the play structure and restrooms, remain open to the public.
The town will follow recommendations from the DHHS to ensure that Roosevelt Wilson Park is safe for users before, during, and after the proposed improvements. Town Manager Jamie Justice says “we are committed to doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our community and the much-beloved Roosevelt Wilson Park. We’re working very closely with the proper state agencies to take the necessary next steps.”
Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.
Please contact Doug Wright at [email protected] or 704-940-9625 with any questions.