SEPTURA, A London Brass Ensemble Septet, Coming to Davidson United Methodist Church
Davidson United Methodist Church will present a FREE concert by SEPTURA, a London Brass Ensemble Septet, taking place in the Sanctuary of Davidson UMC, 233 South Main Street, Davidson on Saturday, February 8 at 7:00 p.m.
Septura brings together London’s leading players to redefine brass chamber music through the uniquely expressive sound of the brass septet. Septura’s members are the leading players of the new generation of British brass musicians, holding principal positions in the London Symphony, Philharmonia, Royal Philharmonic, City of Birmingham Symphony, Basel Symphony, and Aurora orchestras.
“The standard is absolutely higher than brass playing has ever been before.”
-Alison Balsom, BBC Radio 2.
A love offering will be collected during the performance. For more information contact Karen Payne, 704 892-8277, [email protected]