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Town of Davidson Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

by | Mar 14, 2020 | News, Top Right Box

Town of Davidson staff have been and will continue to actively work on preparation plans for all impacts from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  As a reminder, the town is working under the umbrella of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management and following all recommended procedures and protocols from the county.

The town’s 251 South Street public input session originally scheduled for March 15 at Beaver Dam from 3-5pm and the Second Annual Mark Swaney Scholarship Basketball Game will be rescheduled for later dates. All other town operations will continue as usual.

Residents are encouraged to follow advice from public health officials and medical professionals. The latest local news and advice from Mecklenburg County Public Health may be found here or by calling the county’s COVID-19 information line at 980-314-9400.

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