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A Note From Mayor Rusty Knox

by | Mar 19, 2020 | News, Town Information

Use these really convenient “pick up” parking spaces when you place call out orders from our local Davidson businesses. Shop local – now more than ever.

Friends, Neighbors, Davidson Family,

I think we all recognize that we live in a special place. Davidson is best when it’s time to pull together. This time – the ask is tough, though. How do you come together when you’re asked to maintain social distance, when you’re asked to work from home, schools are closed, businesses shuttered, and nothing feels normal?

We do what we’ve always done. It just might look a little different this time.

  • We remember we’ve got a lot of people looking out for us. There’s a lot of news coverage in the media these days, but we can trust that even in so much unknown, our local elected officials, town staff, and first responders, are doing everything conceivable to make sure we are prepared for this. We are all working closely with Mecklenburg County Public Health Department to make sure we’re ready. The fire department and police department are not taking a day off — everyone is working around the clock to keep our community healthy and safe.
  • We continue to support local businesses. We all know local businesses are part of what make this community so unique. Many of our local businesses have gone out of their way to come up with creative solutions to continue to serve our town and keep their employees working. Buy gift cards, tip generously, get take out or take advantage of the new curbside or delivery options many restaurants are using! It’s money well-spent — I promise you.
  • Check on our neighbors. We understand family comes first, but we also know family means more here in Davidson. Check on your neighbors, especially if they are more vulnerable at this time. They might be elderly, they might have a compromised immune system, they might be a single-parent dealing with childcare issues, they might be out of work because the store they worked for closed down temporarily. No matter the issue, be kind and be thoughtful — pick up the phone or leave a note and let others know you care.
  • Give back to those less fortunate. These days are taxing for all of us, but let’s face it — some are going to be hit harder than others. For those of us who are able, we need to remember to give back. The Ada Jenkins Center has established a Critical Assistance Fund to help families in need. I know many other service efforts are also starting through community-led groups, area churches, etc. Whatever you decide to do, be smart and do your research, and then give as generously as you can to help support others at this difficult time.
  • Listen. Heed the guidance you’re hearing from medical and health professionals. Wash your hands. Social distance as much as possible. Try to remain calm and resist the urge to stockpile food and products to leave some for your neighbors who might not be able to afford to do so. If you’re sick, don’t go into work. If you’re experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, call your doctor’s office before showing up on site. If we’re all smart about this, we’ll help reduce the strain on the system and come out of this way better off.

You all know how much I love this place, how proud I am to be a resident of this town, and to be your Mayor. I’ve witnessed some great things over the past few days that show me we are going to get through this together. Let’s keep the Davidson community spirit alive and well, even if we are separated by at least six feet.

Mayor Rusty Knox

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