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Efforts to Support Davidson Cornelius Child Development Center

by | Mar 23, 2020 | Davidson Cornelius Child Development Center, News

Dear Friends & Family of DCCDC,

Please help us continue to serve our teachers and families.

At Davidson-Cornelius Child Development Center, the safety and well-being of the children in our care has always been and will remain our number one priority. As you may know, on March 15th, the DCCDC Board and Administration decided to follow the State of North Carolina’s mandate and join the public schools in closing our center for a minimum of two weeks. As you surely know, the COVID 19 pandemic changes our lives daily in ways that are unprecedented. At this time, we do not know when we will be allowed or able to reopen. What we do know, is that we want to be ready to do so when we can. In the meantime, we need your help.

We’re deeply grateful to the support that we have already received. We have been able to keep our community whole thanks to people like you.

Over the past week, our community came together to:

  • identify families experiencing food insecurity and/or risk of job loss
  • provide fresh, healthy food to families in need
  • fund private childcare for families at risk of losing their jobs

We were only able to accomplish this because of generous donations that have to date kept our teachers employed, our families employed, and our children fed. DCCDC is a family and in times of need we come together.

Many of you have reached out to ask if our teachers are being paid during this closure. We are so grateful to be a part of a community that cares so much for one another. Our teachers are the lifeblood of the Center and we are who we are because of them. Ms. Gerri, a 27-year veteran of DCCDC has cared for hundreds of children and says, “DCCDC is like my family. Even the children that I cared for that are now adults still feel like family.” She is fearful during the uncertainty of this time and the impact that it will have on the Center’s ability to re-open. Ms. Gerri, like the other 18 DCCDC employees heavily rely on receiving a bi-weekly paycheck. Primarily, our teachers are paid through tuition revenues and donations from supporters like you. Which brings us to our ask of you during this time if you’re looking for a way to contribute to an uplifting solution.

We are asking for your financial support. Give Here Without your donations, we will likely be unable to meet the demands of our ongoing operational expenses. Our goal at the Center is to keep doing the right thing for as long we can. To us, the right thing is to support our teachers who need us whether we are open or not. The right thing to do is to be ready to re-open.

We have our eyes on the future. This season is not forever, and when the time is right, we want to be able to throw open our doors and welcome our families, teachers, and community back in to the loving and nurturing place that we are. Help us do the right thing.

Please donate today. Donate Here

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity.

Please share this opportunity to help with your network. 

Thank you for being a generous and compassionate supporter of the Center, the teachers, and our local families. You make our community a better place!


DCCDC Board of Directors and Administration

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