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North Carolina Department of Transportation Seeks Input for its Great Trails State Plan

by | Mar 25, 2020 | News, Town Information

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), led by the Integrated Mobility Division and in coordination with the NCDOT Planning Department and North Carolina State Parks, is seeking public input into its Great Trails State Plan. 

The Great Trails State Plan will draw upon both existing plans and new recommendations in order to identify a network of shared-use paths and trails to connect every county in North Carolina, specifically with a focus on connections between population centers and state parks. The primary objective of this planning process is to develop a statewide trail map and an action-oriented network plan and five-year implementation strategy.

NCDOT wants to hear from the public about North Carolina’s trails and how to make them better. You’re invited to offer feedback to such questions as: What trails do you use and like most?  What would make that experience better?

Davidson residents who would like to participate can offer their input two different ways: by taking an interactive map survey and by answering a ten-question survey.

For more information, please see Great Trails State Plan or reach out to Karen Zeringue, NCDOT Planner, at (919-707-2610). Surveys can be accessed via the Great Trails State Plan page or directly by clicking HERE.

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