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Millions of People Participated in Earth Hour 2020

by | Mar 31, 2020 | News

You did it. We did it. With your support and the support of millions of others across the world, we were able to make this year’s Earth Hour one of the largest virtual movements for the environment – all amidst exceptional global circumstances in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are deeply moved by each and every one of you who chose to take part in Earth Hour online or at home in an effort to take care of each other and our planet.

Earth Hour 2020 saw people from a record-breaking 190 countries and territories come together, sparking important global conversations on the safeguarding of our planet. We were joined by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Pope Francis, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, and environmental activist Greta Thunberg, among other influential leaders as well as numerous celebrities who all showed their support for the Hour. On the weekend of March 28, our united voices saw Earth Hour trend in 37 countries across Twitter and Google Search, generating over 3 billion social media impressions globally.

More importantly, Earth Hour 2020 beautifully exemplified the resilience of the human spirit amid a crisis, providing a much needed light in the darkest of times. The Hour showed the power of a people-led movement, reminding us that we’re at our strongest when we act as one – for the good of one another and the one home we all share.

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