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​Videos of Hope Encourage Dementia Caregivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

by | Apr 19, 2020 | News

Writers from the global organization AlzAuthors have come together to share video messages of hope to dementia caregivers who may be feeling the impact of Covid-19. In just two weeks, they have created over 25 short, heartfelt videos to encourage those caring for an at-risk population, and more are published daily. The AlzAuthors Videos of Hope can be viewed at, AlzAuthors YouTube ChannelFacebook and Instagram.

“The isolation that comes with dementia caregiving can be very difficult,” says Ann Campanella, a Davidson graduate and director/manager of AlzAuthors.  “But there are extra challenges now with stay-at-home orders or being separated from loved ones who are confined to nursing homes or hospitals. Our authors, many of them former caregivers, want to reach out with encouragement and comfort.” The organization has been positively overwhelmed by participation in this project.

The World Health Organization estimates there are 50 million people with dementia globally, and 10 million new cases every year, increasing the number of caregivers exponentially.

AlzAuthors is a not-for-profit, worldwide organization of more than 200 authors who write about Alzheimer’s and dementia from a personal perspective. Their mission is to erase the stigma and silence that surrounds a dementia diagnosis through storytelling.

The AlzAuthors Bookstore has a vast collection of top books for individuals, assisted living facilities, doctor’s offices, and other businesses offering eldercare services. The site includes memoirs, novels, caregiving guides, poetry, books for young people, and more. These books are written by caregivers, spouses, professionals in the dementia field, and those living with the disease.

For more information about AlzAuthors, go to

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