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100 Birthday Cards for a 100th Birthday – Can You Help?

by | Apr 23, 2020 | Because You Served, News

Last May there was a BIG party for Elizabeth Barker Johnson’s 99th birthday. Her 100th birthday will be much different, but you can still make her a card.


Do you have some spare time on your hands? How about your kids? Can you make birthday cards for a World War II Veteran?

Saturday, May 2 will be Mrs. Elizabeth Barker Johnson’s 100th birthday. The once-planned big party won’t take place, but a drive-by party is in the works for the Army Veteran and former school teacher.

News of Davidson has covered several stories surrounding Mrs. Barker Johnson, including: the recent N.C. African American Veterans Lineage Day, and her 99th birthday party.

You can drop off cards in a box on the front porch at 258 Conroy Avenue – in the St. Albans’ neighborhood. The cards will be delivered to Mrs. Barker Johnson.


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