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Census Stories – Chapter One

by | Apr 28, 2020 | News

The Mayor and Town Board


News of Davidson was asked by Amanda Preston, Communications Director for the Town of Davidson, to consider publishing a series of Census Stories to give community leaders an opportunity to share a few words about why they have completed their census forms – and why the rest of the community should too. We thought it was a great idea.

We are starting this effort with stories from our elected officials – the Mayor and Town Board.

We asked each of them to tell us why it is important to complete the 2020 Census. These are their responses:


Mayor Rusty Knox

The 2020 Census has taken on a dynamically different level of importance to us due to Covid-19. Over the next decade the importance of accounting our populous will mean securing necessary assistance on both State and Federal levels in a vast array of programming to help us in righting the course that the country is currently on. It’s really so simple to answer the Census knowing that the 10 minutes you spend is 10 years of impact.


Commissioner Jane Campbell

We completed the 2020 Census in order to be counted. It sounds simple enough, but this year’s census seems to be anything but simple. Our town, our region, and our state rely on people filling out the census to ensure we have the proper representation in the U.S. House of Representatives and that we receive our proportion of federal funding. Bottom line, it’s our civic duty and I ask everyone in Davidson to complete the 2020 Census.


Commissioner Matthew Fort

I filled out the Census because I believe everyone’s voice matters. If you do not complete the census, you will not be counted towards valuable data that is used for public improvement strategies, businesses locate potential new markets, 911 emergency system maps, and many other things that can help to improve your overall quality of life. Completing the census is another way of letting your voice be heard!


Commissioner Jim Fuller

Years ago, I had the pleasure of being in Professor Griffin’s Econ 1 class. On the first day, he indicated that we would be studying the allocation of resources in a market economy. This census, and in fact every census for more than 200 years, has helped our country, state, and region allocate resources – from roads and facilities to government benefits. The census helps determine the formulas for the allocation of important resources – formulas that give everyone a fair share. To ensure that everyone in Davidson is part of that fair share calculation – I encourage all our neighbors to complete the 2020 Census.


Commissioner Autumn Rierson Michael

The Census only comes once in a decade and is just so important. It is used to determine the number of House seats we have in NC, in addition to how billions of dollars in federal programs are spent. It only takes a few minutes to fill out and be counted!


Commissioner David Sitton

The census is one of our primary tools to guide infrastructure and resources for the ensuing decade. Given the pace of change that we are experiencing,  it is important that we have a whole and accurate accounting of our local demographic to inform policy makers on countless projects. 


News of Davidson reminds all our readers that you can complete the 2020 Census online, over the phone (844) 330-2020, or fill out a printed copy and mail it. When the initial self-response phase wraps up, Census workers will go to the homes of residents who have not responded. They will conduct in-person interviews to complete the 2020 Census, but will only begin doing so when it is deemed safe to undertake door-to-door work.


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