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2020 Census – An Overview of the Modified Schedule

by | May 5, 2020 | News

Whether or not you have received your 2020 Census in the mail, you can still complete it online or over the phone.


The 2020 Census is underway – more than 60% the households in Davidson have responded – and more are responding every day. Online, phone and mailed self-responses will continue throughout the data collection process.

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the U.S. Census Bureau has adjusted 2020 Census operations in order to:

  • Protect the health and safety of the American public and Census Bureau employees.
  • Implement guidance from Federal, State, and local authorities regarding COVID-19.
  • Ensure a complete and accurate count of all communities.

Information provided daily to the Census Bureau from FEMA, as well as State and Local authorities, will be used to guide Census Bureau decisions on timing. As a result, selected field operations will resume on a phased schedule on a geographic basis.

Under the adjusted 2020 Census operational plan, the Census Bureau is conducting a series of preparatory activities to ensure they are fully ready to resume field activities to get a complete and accurate count. As an example, the Self-Response Phase – originally scheduled to wrap up at the end of July – has been extended through the end of October. Similar extensions for some of the remaining phases of the 2020 are highlighted below.

NOTE: In-person activities, including enumeration, office work, and processing activities, will always incorporate the most current guidance from local authorities to ensure the health and safety of staff and the public.

Status of Current Operations

Self-Response Phase

Online, phone and mailed self-responses continue throughout the data collection process.

Planned Schedule                                           Revised Schedule

March 12 – July 31                                           March 12 – October 31


Update Leave Phase

Census takers drop off invitations to respond and paper questionnaires at the front doors of 5 million households stateside while updating the addresses.

Planned Schedule                                           Revised Schedule

March 15 – April 17                                           TBD – based on local


Nonresponse Follow-up (NRFU) Phase

Census takers will interview households in person. New dates will cover areas previously scheduled for “Early NRFU.”

Planned Schedule                                           Revised Schedule

May 13 – July 31                                               August 11 – October 31


Mobile Questionnaire Assistance Phase

Census Bureau staff assists people with responding online at places people gather (events, grocery stores, etc.).

Planned Schedule                                           Revised Schedule

March 30 – July 31                                            Needs further review and coordination


Process Apportionment Counts Phase

After collection activities are complete, Census Bureau experts run and review output from programs to sort out duplicate responses, determine final housing unit status, populate any missing housing unit data on household size and finalize the universe to be included in the apportionment count file.

Planned Schedule                                           Revised Schedule

July 31, 2020 – December 31, 2020                 October 31, 2020 – April 30, 2021


Process Redistricting Data 

Census Bureau experts run and review programs to populate any missing demographic data for each household, run differential privacy programs to ensure confidentiality and run tabulation programs for each state delivery.

Planned Schedule                                           Revised Schedule

January 1, 2021 – March 30, 2021                   May 1, 2021 – July 31, 2021

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