Celebrating Historic Preservation Month

This historic (30+ year old) photo looks even older because these cars were old even in the late 1980s.
Historic Preservation in Davidson
May is Historic Preservation Month, and we would be remiss if we didn’t squeeze in a little celebration before the month is out! Historic Preservation is so important in Davidson – take a look below to learn more!
For a neat infographic providing all of this at a glance, click here.
Why Historic Preservation?
Davidson’s historic district has a unique sense of place. It is a legacy that links present and future residents with the community’s past and provides a diversity vital to the town’s quality of life. Local historic district designation is designed to protect and enhance the existing character of Davidson’s historic district. The overlay zoning protects the district from unmanaged change through a review process based on established guidelines.
Davidson’s Historic Preservation Timeline
1989: Davidson’s Historic Preservation Commission established. Local Historic District was first adopted, comprising 2-3 blocks of downtown Davidson
2018: Davidson became a Certified Local Government (CLG), a historic preservation program certified by the State and National Park Service charged with:
– Enforcing legislation protecting historic properties,
– Establishing a Historic Preservation Commission,
– Maintaining a compatible survey and inventory system, and
– Providing for adequate public participation in the historic preservation program
2009: 300+ acres designated as a National Register Historic District.

Lingle Hut, circa 1933 (photo courtesy of Reeves Temple AME Zion Church)
2020: North Main Street Local Historic District expansion adopted, adding almost 40 acres to the Local Historic District. This addition goes into effect on June 1, 2020.
Davidson has 25 historic landmarks, the Lingle Hut (right) for example, throughout town. The owner of a designated historic landmark can apply for an automatic deferral of 30-50% of the ad valorem taxes on the structure.
Moving Forward
The Town of Davidson continues to explore the expansion of its local historic district, with a goal of preserving and protecting more historically significant structures. The current local historic district includes the two to three blocks that comprise downtown and parts of the historic college campus. While a large portion of “old” Davidson is located within a National Register District, it is the smaller local historic district which contains the legal provisions to protect historic properties and guide historically sensitive repairs and construction within its boundaries.