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Uncle Justin Adds A Beard as Donation for Breast Cancer Awareness Event

by | Jun 7, 2020 | News, Top Left Box

– Isabel Seibers takes a hand full of Uncle Justin’s beard, which had not seen a razor in more than five years! (Bill Giduz photo)


Eleven-year-old Isabel Seibers scored an unusual pledge in her solicitations for the upcoming “Pledge the Pink” walk for breast cancer prevention/support. When she asked for a donation from her Uncle Justin, she wanted him to “donate” his beard to motivate other people.

Noted local barber Thomas Marsh seems eager to get to work on Justin. (Bill Giduz photo)

Originally she wanted him to shave, if she was able to raise $800, but he upped the amount to $1,000. The Pledge the Pink three-day, 30-mile walk was no special challenge for Isabel, who has a history of helping out with fundraisers. She has raised money for Pinky Swear Foundation the past several years through booths at the Farmer’s Market. She also has worked on fundraising garage sales, and she has served on the youth leadership council of Pinky Swear.

For this year’s walk, she also received an in-kind pledge from the staff at Ron Raeford’s barber shop in Davidson. Raeford’s barber Thomas Marsh agreed to conduct Justin’s shave, which occurred Saturday, June 6, in front of an amused crowd.

Participants in “Pledge the Pink” walk 10 miles on three consecutive days and raise money for the cause. For every $100

Voila! The deed is done, and Justin emerges from Thomas’s chair looking like a new man. (Bill Giduz photo)

raised, someone is able to get a lifesaving mammogram. This year both Isabel and her mother, Heather, will participate and have set their combined goal at $3000.  Isabel increased her personal goal to $2000 after meeting her $1000 challenge.

This year the Covid-19 forced a cancellation of several Pledge the Pink fundraising events, but Isabel remains committed! Pledge the Pink, which is part forced march and part celebration, will be held this year October 16-18 on three South Carolina islands. It consists of a 10-mile walk each morning, with lighthearted afternoon and evening events, like a golf cart parade, celebration of survivors, and even Drag Queen Bingo.

It looks like the group has everything covered for the event this year, but if any guys are willing, they could still use another bearded man!

Other contributions can be made via this site:

Isabel with her cousin. No beards here! (Bill Giduz photo)


Bill Giduz

Bill Giduz was the son who followed his father’s footsteps into journalism. He has been involved his entire life with news and photography in schools he attended and jobs he’s held. He believes now that he’s got a few good years left to devote to The News of Davidson.

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