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Safe Roads Group Cuts Overgrown Grass on Rocky River Road

by | Jun 12, 2020 | News

(l-r) John Finney and Scott McConnell Made Quick Work of the Unruly Situation (Bill Giduz photo)

A couple of the members of the new SAFE (Street Access for Everyone) organization recognized a potentially dangerous traffic situation on Rocky River Road and whacked a fix.

Cycling enthusiasts John Finney and Scott McConnell spent about an hour Saturday afternoon with weed whackers, knocking back grass growing so tall and close to the roadside that it could obscure the view from motorists.

Scott McConnell clears grass from the warning flasher at the crossing site on Rocky River Road. (Bill Giduz photo)

Both men are founding members of the new nonprofit SAFE organization, whose goal is to make Lake Norman area streets safer for all who use it—cyclists, pedestrians, and auto drivers—by working with town councils, municipal planners, and law enforcement officials to improve the safety of transportation corridors.

The section of Rocky River Road that McConnell and Finney cleared has been recently bisected by a new section of greenway that crosses the road and links River Run and Narrow Passage. The crossing includes a painted ‘zebra’ on the asphalt, flashing lights, and a wooden bridge leading up to grade on both sides.

While those features go a long way toward making the crossing safe, the crossing is located in the middle of a 45-mile per hour zone of Rocky River Road that traffic sometimes travels at an even faster speed.

Finney noted that the North Carolina Department of Transportation, which is ordinarily charged with roadside mowing, has been forced to reduce staffing due to the Covid-19. But, he concluded, “The SAFE members saw this as an opportunity to make an immediate change to improve an unsafe condition.”

Those interested in SAFE and its activities should visit their website.

Bill Giduz

Bill Giduz was the son who followed his father’s footsteps into journalism. He has been involved his entire life with news and photography in schools he attended and jobs he’s held. He believes now that he’s got a few good years left to devote to The News of Davidson.

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