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UPDATE: Thank You Donors and Readers

by | Jun 14, 2020 | News, Top Left Box

Your News of Davidson team thanks you for your support.

We made it to July!

Now masked and ever more watchful, our community has begun to step out of our homes and into the hot, bright summer sun. We are visiting shops and restaurants and taking advantage of a slow but still limited resumption of community life — respecting that safer, six feet of distance between us.

We know it’s not easy, that disappointments pile up and plans change daily. But it is progress, and News of Davidson is determined to celebrate each step forward — masks, notebooks, and cameras poised for action.

We are also here to thank you! In the last two weeks of June, gifts from readers exceeded the $1,000 mark, bringing our total for 2020 to $2,400 — right on schedule! As July 1 marks the halfway point in our fiscal year, we are on track to meet our annual goal of $5,000 and fund our small but critical operating budget.

No one knows when “normal” life will resume, or what normal will look like when it does. As we learn and live together, we will keep at it, day by day, sharing news and images of community life, along with humor, comfort, memories, reflections, and wisdom from our columnists.

It’s a privilege. Can we thank you enough?


Please stay safe,

Margo Williams and Meg Kimmel, co-editors
Jane Campbell, sports editor
Bill Giduz, photo editor
Allyson Ray, treasurer


To News of Davidson donors and readers:

In the midst of a pandemic that sent us all home to shelter and with the promise of a careful return to community, the News of Davidson team has been reflecting on our decision to launch the site nearly three years ago, and on our gratitude to you who literally make our volunteer work possible.

We anticipate reporting on our return — however slowly and safely — to community life.

As we look forward, our team has wondered what this time apart may have felt like without the organizations and media that bring us together and collect our stories. And we humbly realize that our work for News of Davidson has been and will continue to be part of that togetherness.

None of us knows what comes next, but we at News of Davidson know two things:

  • Regardless of the journey, we will keep sharing news of Davidson and our neighboring towns, of our nonprofits and houses of worship that reach out their hands with encouragement and help, of our businesses that have hung on and hope to thrive. We will recognize our heroes and servant leaders and celebrate their accomplishments. We will delight in sharing images of community life, along with humor, comfort, memories, reflections, and wisdom from our columnists.
  • And we will be grateful today, tomorrow, and all the next days for your support of this ambitious project to bind our community and capture its rare beauty.

We thank you for reading News of Davidson and for the support so many provided as we first appeared on your smart phones, tablets, and laptops. We also ask for your continued support — and invite you to keep clicking in, sending us your tips and stories, and checking daily for news and events.

Stay safe,

Margo Williams and Meg Kimmel, co-editors

Bill Giduz, photo editor

Jane Campbell, sports editor & photographer

Allyson Ray, treasurer

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