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Exit 30: A Pandemic Theater Detour

by | Jul 21, 2020 | Arts & Entertainment, News

Exit 30: Pandemic Theater Detour is scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.


In the age of COVID-19, the theater must ask: how can we gather as an audience but still keep each other safe? Exit 30: A Pandemic Theater Detour gives you a sprawling, immersive answer to that impossible question. Join a talented ensemble of Charlotte theater artists as they take over the evocative Davidson College campus with an intricate medley of pandemic performances, which weave together the joy, rage, humor, and justice that have defined the tumultuous summer of 2020. The best part? The entire show is conceived as a drive-thru, with occasional stops to get outside and watch a scene. Bring your car and your quarantine buddies, and journey from station to station, never coming closer than 20 feet to an actor or fellow audience member.

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