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If You Love the Davidson Farmers Market – Consider Becoming a Volunteer

by | Jul 23, 2020 | Davidson Farmers Market, Local, News, Nonprofits, Top Left Box

Do you have time to join Davidson Farmers Market’s “Lime Green Team” of volunteers?


Become a Volunteer 

If you have been to the market since we reopened, you have seen the many people wearing the bright lime green shirts with ‘DFM’ on the back. These mighty humans are DFM’s staff, Board of Directors, and more importantly our gracious volunteers! 

Before COVID-19, DFM relied on a few volunteers to help set-up the market, assist at the Market Tent, and occasionally help with events. Our volunteer needs were minimal and if we didn’t have volunteers on a Saturday we were still able to run the market with a Market Manager and a few Board of Directors. But now, DFM operates with the need of regular volunteer hours. The market’s infrastructure is much more involved and operations and new shopper amenities require many volunteers to assist. The market would not exist without volunteers and our community support. 

When discussing how to reopen, we knew it would require a second DFM staff who oversaw day-of market operations, which included managing volunteers. We hired Courtney as our Market Coordinator and she hit the ground running cultivating volunteers and establishing the first ever official volunteer program for DFM. The market takes a lot of work, and during the summer that work is hot! To prevent exhausting our volunteers or asking far too much from them, we broke the work needed into shifts and provide coffee donated by Summit Coffee, fresh fruit and veggies donated from our vendors, and plenty of water and air high-fives! 

Plus, we have a lot of fun! 

Join the lime green team and help DFM on Saturday! Our volunteer needs and shifts are below. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please email Courtney.

6:45-8:30 am – Set-up the Market – tables, tents, barricades, signs + assisting vendors as needed, crowd control;

8:30-10:30 am – Additional Set-up and help with monitoring the perimeter of the Market, traffic flow, and the Market info table, and assisting vendors and shoppers as needed;

10:30 am – 12:30 pm – Help with monitoring the Market, crowd control, and taking down the Market after if closes.

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