Top Ten Things The Community Needs to Know About the Fall Semester at Davidson College

These are the new signs posted around campus – reminding all visitors that masks are required – even outdoors.
- If you go to the campus – wear a mask (walking, jogging, or biking)
- If you go to the campus – wear a mask (walking, jogging, or biking)
- If you go to the campus – wear a mask (walking, jogging, or biking)
- Physical distancing is also required – it is not either/or. It is BOTH.
- All students took COVID-19 screening tests prior to coming to campus, or upon arrival. International students were self-quarantined for 14-days.
- The track is closed to the community in order to provide extra, outdoor workout space for scholar-athletes.
- Buildings are closed to the community.
- While the cross-country trails remain open to the community, the hours are restricted. See details below.
- Students, faculty, and staff are using a daily symptom checking app. Students, and selected members of faculty and staff are taking weekly COVID-19 tests.
- The college has also worked hard on the ventilation systems in campus buildings, cleaning protocols, and limited access.

Please be a good neighbor to our college neighbors.
Limited Access for Town Residents
Access to buildings will be limited to CAT card holders.
The college continues to welcome its neighbors to walk on campus, asking that visitors follow safety guidelines of facemasks and social distance. All buildings will be closed to the public and will also require a college CatCard for entry. Please note, while face coverings are not required while walking outside in the Town of Davidson, they should be worn at all times while on campus.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and increased usage by athletes, Davidson College will be limiting use of the track at Richardson Stadium to students, faculty and staff. A college CatCard will be required for entry.
The Davidson College cross-country trails remain open, except during team practices. The trails will be closed to the public on weekdays (Monday-Friday) 6:30 a.m. – 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. On Saturday, the cross-country trails will be closed to public from 8 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Signs will be placed at entrances to the trail on August 18 or 19. Please be respectful of these hours.