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Study Pals

by | Aug 25, 2020 | Bottom Left Box, Local, News, Town Information

The new signs are up at Davidson K-8, but students are learning remotely. The new Study Pals program is intended to help.

Davidson Parks and Recreation is teaming up with local instructors to offer small supervised study groups to support children with the new remote learning school format. Your child brings a laptop computer or iPad to access their schools’ remote learning curriculum, as well as school supplies, headphones, and a nut-free snack. If they don’t have a laptop, every effort will be made to find a workable solution for all involved.
Most children will arrive during their lunch break, so please bring a bag lunch to enjoy. We provide supervised care, free Wi-Fi, an outdoor break, limited technical support and encouragement to students during their educational pursuits.
Our supervised study groups will follow all of the CDC/NCDHHS guidelines and our Davidson Parks and Recreation safety protocol. The small groupings will be determined based on enrollment, with 10 students per group. Each week will have a fun theme and a special visitor each Friday!
Date:             Weekly Sessions, August 24 – October 16
Time:             11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Location:       DCPC Congregation House
Fee:                $105.00 per week
Residents:      $100.00 per week
Davidson Residents who qualify for free or reduced lunch can apply for a scholarship (50%-75% discount; $25-$50 per week) for this program.
Please email Davidson Parks and Recreation with any questions about our Study Pals program, at [email protected]
CLICK HERE to register.

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