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Police Chief Penny Dunn to Host Virtual “No Agenda” Meeting Monday, September 14 at 6:30 p.m.

by | Sep 8, 2020 | News, Town Information

Members of the Davidson Police Department at the 2019 National Night Out event at Roosevelt Wilson Park.


Join Chief Penny Dunn for a virtual “no agenda” meeting on Monday, September 14 at 6:30 p.m.

In 2019, the Davidson Police Department provided an opportunity for residents to give feedback on how the department was doing.  What is the department doing well?  How can it do better? What impacts you as a resident?

For 2020, the department would like to discuss its policies on the use of force and the demographic breakdown of police interaction in Davidson.

“Public input and feedback are important to make sure we are addressing residents’ concerns and also give the public a voice for building understanding between their communities and the police serving them,” said Chief Dunn.

The opportunity to engage with the Davidson Police Department typically happens throughout the year at various events such as Town Day, Custard with a Cop and National Night Out.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions, none of these in-person events occurred this year. Chief Dunn hopes that this meeting, even though virtual, will provide an opportunity to hear from the community and get the feedback necessary to improve relationships and performance.

Interested residents can participate in several ways:

The department will provide a real-time Spanish-language interpreter for this meeting. 

More information about the Davidson Police Department is available at

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