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Fall Town of Davidson Events Update

by | Sep 23, 2020 | Bottom Left Box, News, Town Information

 As we now enter a new season for 2020, the Town of Davidson continues to balance the evolving situation with COVID-19 with the desire to gather as a community for some of our favorite annual events. Until October 2, 2020, North Carolina remains in Phase 2.5 which limits outdoor gatherings to 50 people. This restriction, along with the unpredictability of COVID-19 and potential moves to subsequent phases, makes it impractical to plan mass gatherings for the next couple of months.

With respect for the health and safety of the Davidson community as well as the need to plan ahead for businesses and residents alike, below is a status update for Town of Davidson upcoming and/or annual events:

  • Sidewalk Sale: September 25-27, 2020
    • Keep an eye out for ways to support local businesses this weekend and grab some small bites from restaurants, all while enjoying the nice fall weather.
  • Fall Art Festival – October 17, 2020, 4:00-7:00 p.m.
    • This gathering has been moved back from its normal timeframe and will be a bit smaller in scale but will still allow the community to celebrate the arts this fall!
  • A Taste of Davidson – CANCELLED
  • Halloween March – CANCELLED
  • Cookie Crawl – November 7, 2020
    • Our Cookie Crawl will take place mostly as usual. Tickets are limited to 100 participants, as per usual. More information will be coming soon!
  • Veterans Day – November 11, 2020
    • We’re still looking into options to best honor our veterans in 2020, but we as a community will observe Veterans Day either safely in person or virtually.

More details about other town events, such as Christmas in Davidson and the North Mecklenburg Christmas Parade, will be forthcoming in October. Please note all Town of Davidson Board of Commissioners meetings and advisory board meetings will continue to be held virtually for the foreseeable future. Please visit the Town of Davidson’s website for the latest information about all town events at

For the latest, local health information about COVID-19, visit the Mecklenburg County Public Health Department website here. The Town of Davidson also has a dedicated COVID-19 webpage here.

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