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College in the Post-Debate National Spotlight

by | Oct 22, 2020 | Local, News

Lights, cameras, and some post-debate action is on the menu tonight on campus.


Davidson College will be in the national spotlight following tonight’s debate between President Trump and Candidate Joe Biden. Approximately fifteen undecided voters from the Charlotte area will comprise a panel of respondents offering their opinions of the proceedings to CNN reporter Victor Blackwell. One of the respondents will be Davidson student Harrison Dinsbeer, but otherwise there will be no college personnel involved. There are, however, several Davidson banners and backgrounds erected in areas of the E.H. Little Library plaza where they can be seen.

CNN first contacted Davidson about three weeks ago in search of a North Carolina location for the event. However, about 15 CNN news and technical staff are involved. The focus group will be part of CNN’s post-debate coverage with the segment expected to air after 11 p.m. and continue until about midnight. Video of the event will be rebroadcast at various times on Friday. Video of the event will be rebroadcast at various times on Friday.

Bill Giduz

Bill Giduz was the son who followed his father’s footsteps into journalism. He has been involved his entire life with news and photography in schools he attended and jobs he’s held. He believes now that he’s got a few good years left to devote to The News of Davidson.

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