Davidson Lands Conservancy and Trees Davidson Coordinate Tree Planting at Fisher Farm Park

Dave Cable, Executive Director of Davidson Lands Conservancy, giving instructions for planting to the volunteers. (Bill Giduz photo)
Trees Davidson organized a planting party Saturday morning that will create a shady lane in Fisher Farm Park for years to come.
The trees were funded by the Davidson Garden Club, many of whose members were among about 50 volunteers present to help with planting. Other volunteer groups included Christ the King Catholic High, Cannon School, Davidson Rotary Club, and Scout Troop 58, which coordinated their participation with a two-night camping trip on the site. Soil Supply of Huntersville donated a load of mulch, and the town used a trusty tractor auger to prep each hole for the volunteers to fill.
Dave Cable, executive director of Davidson Lands Conservancy, kicked off the event by giving instructions on proper technique, then sent volunteers off in small groups to get a shovel and set to work.

Volunteers at work planting trees at Fisher Farm park (Bill Giduz photo)
Participants planted 15- and 25-gallon containerized trees, some as tall as 12 feet, surrounding the parking lot and down the primary path into Fisher Farm. Tree species included white oak, serviceberry, buckeye, redbud, American beech, tulip poplar, and black gum. The species selected support Trees Davidson’s focus on expanding the town’s canopy and diversifying our forests for resiliency.
Brent Evans, a dedicated volunteer and event coordinator, said, “These trees not only immediately add beauty to the landscape, but also support wildlife habitat, cleaner air, and reduced run-off.”
Evans was one of five “red hat tree masters” who guided the volunteers in their work. Others were Charlene Minor from Davidson Parks and Rec, Davidson town arborist Pete Griswold, Bartlett Tree company employee Brian Frierson, and Gordon Clark, board president of Davidson Lands Conservancy.
This Fisher Farm event was the first planting of the planting season. The organization is planning now to organize its next planting of about 30 trees for November 14 in the Bailey Springs neighborhood.
Bill Giduz
Bill Giduz was the son who followed his father’s footsteps into journalism. He has been involved his entire life with news and photography in schools he attended and jobs he’s held. He believes now that he’s got a few good years left to devote to The News of Davidson.