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DavidsonLearns Presents: How Visionary Davidson led North Carolina on Affordable Housing, December 16

by | Dec 8, 2020 | Bottom Middle Box, DavidsonLearns, News

Join Mark Washburn, Board Chair, Davidson Housing Coalition

   Wednesday, December 16 at 1:00 PM via Zoom

 How Visionary Davidson led North Carolina on Affordable Housing

Statistically, Davidson is North Carolina’s most expensive city for real estate. Davidson is also the smallest town in North Carolina — and in the southeast — to anticipate the affordable housing crisis.  Twenty-five years ago Davidson launched a unique, highly-successful strategy to meet this crisis. Davidson’s quaint village core is home to dozens of affordable units, artfully camouflaged in healthy, thriving neighborhoods, a short walk to jobs and mass transit. How did a little college town defend itself from what has become a national crisis? One surprising way: by NOT setting up a government program.

Event Details

Wednesday, December 16 at 1:00 PM

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 528 235 0917

For technical assistance, please email [email protected]

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