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New Year – 2021 Trash and Recycling Schedule

by | Jan 5, 2021 | Bottom Middle Box, Local, News, Town Information

View the 2021 recycling calendar

  • Garbage and yard waste will be collected every week.
  • Residents are to use a black 96-gallon cart for garbage and a red 96-gallon cart for recycling.
  • The 96-gallon recycle cart will be emptied every other week.
  • Garbage, recycling, and yard waste will be collected on a four-day schedule, Monday through Thursday. Please look at the map below to determine your collection day. (For example, Wednesday is collection day for the River Run neighborhood — garbage and yard waste can be set out every Wednesday, and recyclables set out every other Wednesday.)
  • HOLIDAYS: 2021 holidays which will impact trash  and recycling collection are: July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Waste Pro will be on a one-day delay those weeks and appreciates your patience.
  • The town does not collect appliances. These should be hauled to the North Mecklenburg Recycling Center on Hwy 21 at 12300 N. Statesville Road, Huntersville, NC 28078.


Yard Waste

These items are considered acceptable yard waste:

  • All tree trimmings, dead plants, weeds, leaves, and dead tree debris not exceeding six feet (6’) in length, four inches (4”) in diameter and yard debris in plastic bags no heavier than 50 pounds per bag.
  • Bagged leaves will be collected along with residents’ garbage and recyclables. All bagged leaves must be free of sticks and other debris. Residents are allowed up to 20 bags per week. Bags cannot be larger than 40 gallons in size and cannot be more than 50 pounds in weight.
  • There is a 4 cubic yard limit per pick-up.


Bagged Leaf Collection FAQs

How do I get my leaves into bags?

Many people use a plastic 44-gallon container to support bags and ease the process of bagging. An internet search of “leaf scoop” shows over 15 products available to facilitate bagging leaves.

What types of bags can be used?

The maximum bag size is 40 gallons. We strongly encourage residents to use biodegradable paper bags, as at this time, Mecklenburg County cannot recycle plastic leaf bags due to the moisture and debris present in them. Biodegradable “Kraft” paper bags, however, can be recycled at the facility, and you can purchase them at most home improvement and hardware stores. Free Kraft bags are available by visiting North Mecklenburg Recycling Center, located at 12300 Statesville Road, Huntersville, NC 28078. Plastic containers, wheelbarrows, etc. cannot be used to contain leaves for collection.

What are my other options?

There are several good options for residents to manage leaves:

  • Leaf mulching: Similar to “grasscycling,” leaf mulching involves the use of a rotary mower to mulch leaves directly back to the turf. While mulching mowers are the preferred equipment, almost any rotary mower can be used. Numerous university research reports have detailed how leaf mulching affects turf performance. In almost every instance, the results show that chopping up deciduous leaves as part of a regular mowing schedule is an effective means of managing these leaves without harming the turf. A study done at Purdue University supports this.
  • Composting: Composting relies on the natural process of decomposition to break down elements such as leaves, grass, and various kitchen scraps into a nutrient-rich, soil-like material that can be used as fertilizer on gardens and potted plants. For more information, contact Davidson Parks & Recreation at [email protected] or by calling 704-892-3349.
  • Landscape contractors: Residents can hire a private landscape contractor to remove their leaves. The town’s solid waste ordinance has always prohibited landscape contractors from placing loose leaves curbside; yard waste generated by private contractors will not be collected.

What happens to the leaves after they are picked up?

Waste Pro, the town’s contractor, delivers the leaves to the North Mecklenburg Recycling Center in Huntersville where they are composted and re-sold to the public.

Bulk Waste

Bulk waste is defined as “Furniture or other items where large size precludes or complicates handling by normal solid waste collection, procession, or disposal methods.”

This may include swing sets, bicycles (without tires), scrap metal, copper, and other similar items. The town is no longer collecting “white goods” such as refrigerators, stoves and ranges, water heaters, or freezers. Citizens can take these items to the North Mecklenburg Recycling Center located off Highway 21 in Huntersville. This center also accepts hazardous waste and batteries. Check their website for details on what they do and do not accept.

Mecklenburg County released fees and information for their solid waste disposal and recycling convenience centers.

Waste Pro will collect residential trash once each week on a schedule, including but not limited to, bulk items, boxes, items of furniture, and couches. Each residence shall be limited to a maximum of four cubic yards of uncompacted trash per pick up under the town’s contract.

The pick-up should be on the same day of the week as the regular garbage pick-up for each location. The pick-up should be scheduled in advance by calling Waste Pro Customer Service at 980-255-3800.

Household Hazardous Waste


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