The Town’s MLK Day Celebration

The Town held a virtual ceremony to honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on MLK Day.
Truth: There were multiple options for a virtual celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so the Town of Davidson’s video may not have been at the top of your list. Civic loyalty and journalistic duty won out for us. We clicked on the link and are happy we did. It was a beautifully planned and realized celebration of MLK.
Our highlights might not be yours, but the spoken-word piece is simply stirring, all the more because the artist is from the Davidson College Class of 2020, Maurice J. Norman. Among others, you’ll hear from a barber, business owner, a police woman, an educator, and an athletic director.
Residents who go back have seen enormous strides in diversity around here, by all measures. We have yet a long way to go. But today, the voices and stories in this Martin Luther King Jr. Day video inspire both celebration and commitment— to keep moving forward.