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ReadDavidson Invites Community to Save the Dates for Virtual “Davidson Discusses”

by | Feb 4, 2021


ReadDavidson, a partnership between the Town of Davidson, the Davidson Public Library, Main Street Books, and local avid readers, invites the community to “save the dates” for its first three virtual 2021 events. On March 2, 16, and April 1 at 7:00 p.m., there will be panel discussions of sequential portions of the 2021 book: Caste: The Origins of Our Discontentby Isabel Wilkerson. Readers can read along in advance as “Davidson Discusses” portions of the book on these dates.

Additional events will follow, including three author talks, focusing on the other books selected as part of ReadDavidson’s 2021 programming: Legendborn by Tracy Deonn (Young Adult Fiction), Genesis Begins Againby Alicia D. Williams (Middle Grades Fiction), and The Power of One by Trudy Ludwig, illustrated by Mike Curato.

Caste is such an important work and its relevance has been deeply felt across the nation and here in Davidson. We’re hopeful that this series of discussions will help keep people engaged and reading this significant work of nonfiction together and help kickstart critical conversations we know we should be having as a community,” says Adah Fitzgerald, owner of Main Street Books.

To ensure that everyone in our community can be involved in the conversation, ReadDavidson has created a Book Grant Program to provide any and all titles for free to any interested reader. To sign up, visit All books are also available for purchase at a discount at Main Street Books in Davidson. Please stay tuned at for more information about all of the upcoming virtual events for ReadDavidson 2021.

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