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Town Board Approves Grey Road and Beaty Street Sidewalk Projects

by | Feb 11, 2021

The aerial view of the proposed Beaty Street sidewalk project.


There were three action items in the discussion section of Thursday night’s Town Board work session, and two of those action items involved critical sidewalk projects.

The following summary was provided in the agenda for the meeting:

Summary: The Grey Road sidewalk project starts at Concord Road and ends at Wolfe Street. On February 5, 2021, bids from 4 contractors were publicly opened and recorded. Bids ranged from a high of $787,485 to a low of $487,945. All bids include 20% contingency for unforeseen items encountered during construction. The low bidder is available to start the project in mid-March. The anticipated construction duration is 120 days, with completion on July 15, 2021. If budget amendment 2021-11 is approved, letters will go out to Grey Road property owners, notifying them prior to the start of construction, and providing contact information for the town and contractor.

Note: Doug Wright noted that he expected the project to be completed in 60 vs. 120 days.

In the end, the Board voted (4-0) to approve budget amendment 2021-11. (Commissioner Sitton dropped off the Zoom just prior to the vote.)

Next, the discussion shifted to the Beaty Road sidewalk. This is the summary from the agenda:

Summary: The approved sidewalk project for FY 2021-2022 is a portion of Beaty Street starting at Oakhill Apartments and ending at the Beaty Street – North Main Street intersection. At the outset of the project, two (2) significant items were unknown:

1. Right-of-way acquisition required
2. Cost and time line for crossing the Norfolk Southern Railroad right-of-way

As of February 4, 2021, the right-of-way requirement has been determined, but the Norfolk Southern Railway impacts have not. Staff recommends proceeding with bidding and construction of the sidewalk on Beaty Street up to the Norfolk Southern right-of-way, while concurrently continuing to seek approval for that crossing. There are several options for completing the railroad crossing portion of the project, depending on when we gain approval, and the associated cost.

The Board voted 5-0 to proceed with bidding and construction of the sidewalk on Beaty Street up to the Norfolk Southern right-of-way, approving budget amendment 2021-12 in the amount of $90,000. Town staff will continue to work through the required process with Norfolk Southern for the final portion of the sidewalk. Additionally, the board asked Doug Wright to move ahead with installing a flashing beacon at the crosswalk at Shearer Street.


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